The New Year can be a natural time of reflection on the previous year and hope for the next one. Consider starting a conversation with your kids, discussing high points and challenges from the past year and setting resolutions for the coming year. By making New Year’s resolutions a part of the family tradition, you can enjoy creating and reaching goals together and teach kids the benefits and importance of goal-setting.

New Year’s resolutions for kids should vary based on their ages. Preschool-aged kids may focus on cleaning up toys, washing hands regularly, listening and helping behaviors. By the time a child starts elementary school, she may be ready to set her own resolutions, with guidance from parents. Help the child to realize where there is room to grow for him personally, and set measurable goals to achieve it.

You can have family resolutions as well. These are things you can work on together and keep each other accountable throughout the year. Again, these will vary based on what your family excels at and struggles with, but here are some suggestions.

Drink more water. Soda, juice, and coffee are all tasty but water is best for pure hydration. You may need more or less water depending on your personal body chemistry, but 8 cups of water per day is a good starting place.

Volunteer as a family. At the start of the year, or even at the start of each month, make a list of ways you want to help other people and then figure out how to make it happen.

Eat more veggies. Kids may be hesitant to try new things but don’t stop trying. Our brains are wired to love sweet things and dislike bitter things, and many vegetables taste bitter. Encourage them to try a taste every time you put it on your plate.

Exercise together. You could join a sports, dance, or yoga class together or even simply take a walk everyday. Try setting a specific goal to work towards, such as a 5k.

Happy New Year! From all of us here at SportsTyme.