As a parent, you’re a hugely important part of your child’s life. You’ve been with your child from the start and know them more intimately than perhaps they even know themselves. But parents aren’t the only beneficial adult relationship your child can have. Teachers and coaches can be a powerful and positive aspect of your child’s development.
Kids may not think things that happen at school shape who they are, but it does. The hours they spend in the classroom and in after-school activities influence the way they see the world. During summer, when kids aren’t in school, continuing to have opportunities to learn and grow is important. Enter summer day camp!
Being a coach may seem like a daunting task, and it’s true it isn’t easy. Being a coach means offering encouragement and support, but also setting standards. It’s a great rush when a team you’ve been coaching wins a long-anticipated match, but it’s just as likely that the match you and your team had been training for ends in failure. Helping kids learn how to be good sports and to see sports for the fun and camaraderie of it is a tall order. Many children are naturally competitive, making them skillful players but potentially not great teammates. Coaching those youngsters to use their competitive natures to benefit the team will aid both the team and the individual.
Giving your kid the opportunity to learn and grow from other adults is a great gift. At SportsTyme in Central Florida, we choose only experienced coaches to work with our campers and all of our coaches undergo a thorough background check. We also have coaches oversee the camp as Camp Directors. During the year, our Camp Directors work as teachers and coaches for local schools.