Why Kids Need Physical Education

For many kids, recess and Physical Education (P.E.) are favorite times of the day. Academic classes may be engaging and enlightening, but physical activities provide a change of pace and a fun break during the school day. Physical education provides a lot more benefits than fun, however. While many schools lobby for more time sitting in [...]

2018-02-06T11:39:16-05:00July 10th, 2016|

The Importance of Hobbies for Kids

During the academic year, kids are busy learning specific material that will help them to succeed in school as well as in life. Learning skills through as hobby or extracurricular activity is important in a different way. One of the magics of childhood is that everything is new. Kids are exploring who they are, what [...]

2016-06-26T17:33:27-04:00June 26th, 2016|

The Power of Coaching for Kids

As a parent, you're a hugely important part of your child's life. You've been with your child from the start and know them more intimately than perhaps they even know themselves. But parents aren't the only beneficial adult relationship your child can have. Teachers and coaches can be a powerful and positive aspect of your [...]

2016-06-03T18:02:45-04:00June 3rd, 2016|

Ways that Kids Benefit from Team Sports

It's clear that for many kids, sports are a source of excitement and enjoyment. But, have you ever thought about the many ways that children benefit from participating in team sports? The benefits are trifold, affecting a child's physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Physical benefits  The physical benefits of team sports are the most obvious. As [...]

2016-09-16T16:33:40-04:00May 10th, 2016|

Keeping Kids Safe Over Summer Break

Summer break can be a difficult time for parents. Adults must work and kids still need looking after, but the normal routine and safety of school isn't available. Leaving older kids home alone is an option, but is it the best one? The national Safe Kids campaign recommends not leaving children home alone until they're [...]

2018-02-06T11:39:16-05:00April 30th, 2016|

Sports Summer Camp Benefits School Term

During the school term, kids naturally focus on academics. Summer day camp gives kids the chance to practice physical skills in isolation, outside of school. Participating in sports teaches kids transferrable skills that will help  them to succeed during the school year. Win-win! Perseverance. Learning a new sport requires perseverance, to understand the rules and build [...]

2016-09-16T16:32:05-04:00April 16th, 2016|

Hard Skills Learned at Summer Day Camp

Day camp teaches and reinforces many different types of skills. There are life skills, such as connections with peers, identity formation, and learning to make good choices. Activity-based summer camps, such as SportsTyme in Central Florida, also teach hard skills. Hard skills are quantifiable skills that are learned over time and through practice. Both kids [...]

2016-09-16T16:31:42-04:00April 3rd, 2016|

Life Skills Learned at Summer Day Camp

Childhood and adolescence are important times in a person's life. Human development experts agree that a diversity of positive during these earlier years help a person to grow into a well-rounded, healthy adult. Positive behaviors are developed out of four key beliefs that children develop: Understanding that their decisions affect others. Part of learning to make good [...]

2018-02-06T11:39:16-05:00March 19th, 2016|
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